First On Location Day

Chris, Mary, Paula, Christine and myself did some sketching on this fall like day. We found the Reservoir to be a great location and plan to come back. We discussed coming back on Labor Day. Same place and time. Here are some pictures from the day:

The view from the Reservoir
Facing west 
My view 
My sketch 
Hey there's Chris
and there's Christine-- 
and there's Paula-- 
Yep it's Paula! 
Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Meeting!

Paula, Christine, Mary, Chris and I met yesterday and discussed some options for on location painting and drawing. These were some places that we came up with--
  • Jones Island
  • Reservoir Hill
  • Water purification plant
  • "The Island" (in Fox Point)
  • Domes
  • Holton Street Marsupial Bridge
  • Unitarian Church
  • Christine's church in Brookfield
More suggestions are welcome! We discussed meeting outside while the weather is nice and then coming up with inside locations for colder weather. We decided to meet at the Reservoir on August 29, 10:45 at the COA parking lot across the street from the Reservoir. We'll meet at the Marsupial Bridge if it's raining. If you can't make it at 10:45, we'll be scattered around the area. Come when you can. We discussed that sessions could be for about 3 hours with people coming and going as they need. It looks like we'll try to meet twice a month (at least we can have a schedule and whoever wants to show up can). I'm going to set up a blog where we can all post. I haven't set one up before, so I'll let you know when it's good to go. I was hoping for some snappy name suggestions. Chris and I came up with the following: 1st choice: On Location Milwaukee 2nd choice: Plein Air Milwaukee 3rd choice: In Situ Milwaukee