Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Year Anniversary

Ariana and I went out to draw this past Labor Day weekend, the one year anniversary of On Location Milwaukee. We took a short walk to Kern Park and the Beer Line Trail after getting some coffee at Alterra and chatting with Kevin Giese. We invited Kevin to join us in the future.

There were a few cyclists and dog walkers that morning on the B L T including an old pug that plopped down in the first sun spot he found and then refused to get up. The walker was on his hands and knees, face to the pavement trying to coax the dog to get up, but with no success. Eventually the man picked up the dog and carried him down the trail. Pugs.

It was pretty chilly that morning and we were in the shade so we didn't stay more than an hour and a half. We did get some drawing done though. Sorry no scans today.