Saturday, December 17, 2011

More blog filler

Where the three buildings meet.
Until we get together again in the new year I thought I would post some Palm Zire drawings from the Milwaukee art Museum.
Martin Puryear.

Ticket taker.

Admissions desk.
Parking garage,

Chinese sculpture of a dog from
"The Summer of China"

The balcony at the south end.
Sunday, October 16, 2011

At Mary Lord's

I had a mini Onlocation session at Mary's house yesterday. Despite spending most of the time catching up, I managed to make a couple of iPad sketches. I realized that Mary has yet to post to the blog. This needs to be rectified as Mary has great drawings from our outings and she also has some awesome on location drawings from Berlin and Panama.


Klode Park, Whitefish Bay

View of the winding path to the beach.

Flag pole between the parking lot and bike rack.
Today Ariana, Paula, John and I rode our bikes to Klode Park in Whitefish Bay for some drawing. I've been to the parking lot of Klode Park before, in January, but I've never spent any time there. I was very impressed with the landscaping and the beautiful views of the lake and bluff. In fact I was kind of overwhelmed and had a hard time getting started. All the scenery just seemed too expansive for my little hand held drawing device. Once I decided on something I felt was manageable, like the flag pole, I got into it.
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Harley Davidson Grounds

My bicycle.

The H-D museum with the Teweles seed company in the background

Ariana drawing.

Ariana drawing the St. Mary's Cement silos while sitting beneath the 6th. St. viaduct.
Ariana and I rode our easy to handle, quite, peddle powered bicycles to the Harley-Davidson Museum to draw. The landscaping on the H-D grounds is really nice, lots of what I think are native plantings. We parked underneath the 6th St. viaduct for the shade and drew what we could see from there. Tuna melts at the restaurant and then back home.

Harley Davidson Museum grounds 8-6-11

Chris and I had a nice ride over to the valley. We parked ourselves under the 6th Street Viaduct. Lunch afterwards at the HD cafe and then a ride back along the lakefront. Milwaukee is a fantastic city in the summer! We heard gospel music as we biked through the Lake Shore State Park and we took in the Air Show. If only the government would throw as much money at education and infrastructure as it does at the military.
Cement Factory drawing

Cement Factory drawing and painting
Cement Factory digital painting
Sunday, July 24, 2011

On Location home edition

We didn't make it to the museum on Saturday, which was probably a good thing. Our neighbor who is a barrista at the museum mentioned to Chris that they expected over 4000 visitors this weekend. Here's  some on location at home. I'm still figuring out this digital painting medium. I discovered that I like the paint roller tool in the Artrage app.
Looking into kitchen from front room

View from back balcony

VA Medical Center Historic District

Miller Park in the background and "The Old Main" on the left.

An oak tree?

Ward Memorial Theater with the Farmer's airship hovering in the sky.
We went back to Milwaukee's historic Soldiers' Home this week. You can see the top of Miller Park from quite a few spots on the VA grounds. I've been trying to find a good vantage point to draw it. Also, the Farmer's Insurance zeppelin airship was flying overhead all morning. That's three consecutive visits to the VA grounds, I think we may find another location for next time.

VA Medical Center

I used my Palm Zire Notepad again at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center. The grounds are quite nice and some of the old buildings are very nice but in need of repair. It could be a very promising site to draw in the future. It's also on the Hank Aaron Trail for the cyclists in our group and the bicycle curious. However, we need to identify a public bathroom for future visits.

A tower on the old "Main Building".

A big tree

Ariana drawing. She's wearing a hooded jacket because it was cold and windy, but she doesn't care when there's drawing to do.

Condiments Provided

I was happy to represent On Location Milwaukee at the 11th anniversary celebration of Blue Dress Park. It pretty much rained the whole time but quite a few people stuck it out and bonded over wet shoes, Wisconsin weather and delicious brats. My drawings are black and white so I'm afraid they don't do the event justice: the concrete park was entirely covered with a plastic gingham table covering. I did all of these drawings with my Palm Zire 21 PDA.        

Huddled around the grill.

The north east corner of Blue Dress Park at Holton and Reservoir.

The good folks at INOVA brought this large blue shirt sculpture from their Samuel Williams exhibition.
A break in the rain.

The south end of Blue Dress Park.