Sunday, August 7, 2011

Harley Davidson Grounds

My bicycle.

The H-D museum with the Teweles seed company in the background

Ariana drawing.

Ariana drawing the St. Mary's Cement silos while sitting beneath the 6th. St. viaduct.
Ariana and I rode our easy to handle, quite, peddle powered bicycles to the Harley-Davidson Museum to draw. The landscaping on the H-D grounds is really nice, lots of what I think are native plantings. We parked underneath the 6th St. viaduct for the shade and drew what we could see from there. Tuna melts at the restaurant and then back home.

Harley Davidson Museum grounds 8-6-11

Chris and I had a nice ride over to the valley. We parked ourselves under the 6th Street Viaduct. Lunch afterwards at the HD cafe and then a ride back along the lakefront. Milwaukee is a fantastic city in the summer! We heard gospel music as we biked through the Lake Shore State Park and we took in the Air Show. If only the government would throw as much money at education and infrastructure as it does at the military.
Cement Factory drawing

Cement Factory drawing and painting
Cement Factory digital painting