Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday the 13th - Pre-Occupy

Yesterday, I had the good fortune to see Mary Lord and then attend the C21 Pre-Occupy Symposium. Fellow UWM grad Dan S. Wang was one of the presenters. The very blurry guy at the blurry table is Joshua Clover. Chris and I happened to see him at Woodland Pattern today while we were there to use up a gift certificate from Paul Druecke for our help with the Blue Dress Park Anniversary.

UWM Women's Basketball

Today was the last home game of the season. It's been really fun! The Panthers have had a rocky season, but they seem to be ending it on a high note. Over the course of the season, I've been making quick sketches - usually during time-outs. Here are a few:
Spectator 1-7-12
Inflatable Entrance 1-7-12
Drawing of Inflatable Pounce autographed by Pounce the Mascot
Spectators 1-25-12
Water-coolers - funny thing about this one is that I had a nice color layer that I somehow managed not to save :(
Spectator 2-23-12

Spectators 2-25-12

Spectators 2-25-12
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Onlocation, The Las Vegas Edition, part 3

                                                                                                           On our last day in Las Vegas we rented a car and drove to nearby Red Rock Canyon. As it turns out we had a view of Red Rock Canyon from our hotel room (see Las Vegas part 1). We drove along the "Scenic Route" and stopped at several of the "Lookouts". While Ariana, Stephanie and Yuan took in the view I would try to get a quick drawing in. Drawing things of that scale on a little screen about         1 1/4 inches square is a challenge. There is so much information to record, but the best approach is to keep it simple. Visiting Red Rock Canyon and having a nice picnic lunch was a great way to finish up our Las Vegas experience.
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Onlocation, The Las Vegas Edition, part 2

I spent an afternoon drawing different scenes along "The Strip". I didn't include the pirate ship in my two drawings of Treasure Island. I'm told they have battles in the lagoon with canon fire but I never saw it. I did see the volcano erupt.

The Venetian had a small canal system on the second floor amongst the high end shops. You can have a gondola ride and if you're lucky you'll get the singing gondolier.

I continued down towards Paris and The Belagio. Everything on the strip is packed close together and I found it difficult at times to deal with the scale of the buildings when I couldn't get very far away from them. For instance, I could not get far enough from the Eiffel Tower to get a view that would fit on the Palm's screen.

Well I actually didn't cover much ground on that afternoon and missed drawing a bunch of casinos on the south end of the strip, like the pyramid and the sphinx. I'll have to go back sometime.
Treasure Island Casino.

The street view ofTreasure Island
Caesar's Palace in the distance as seen from the balcony of The Venetian.
The Venetian seen from the grounds of The Mirage.
Belagio and the Cosmopolitan.
View from the sidewalk in front of Paris.

Onlocation, The Las Vegas Edition

Our cushion chair.
The Palms Hotel on the left.
The same view with more emphasis on the mountains.
I'm looking forward to resuming our outings in Milwaukee but until then I'd like to post some drawings from Ariana's and my trip to "Vegas baby". This will be the first of several posts on our trip to Las Vegas. These drawings are from our room at the Rio Hotel. I've never been to Las Vegas before and was surprised to learn that we were surrounded by mountains. Our view from the twelfth floor gave us a nice view of The Palms Hotel and Red Rock Canyon in the distance. More about Red Rock Canyon later.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I have some more blog filler until we meet again. Ariana and I have season tickets to the UWM Panthers Women's Basketball and I've been trying to draw in my Palm Zire during the many time outs and halftime. It turns out the only interesting thing to draw is the inflatable mascot and the backs of peoples' heads.