Friday, November 20, 2009

Update on drawing at John's office

These seems to be consensus to draw at my office the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I'm thinking from 1:00 ish to 4:00ish. We are on the fifth floor at 320 East Buffalo on the NW corner of Milwaukee and Buffalo. Entry is on Buffalo. The lobby is open, but I would have to let you in the elevator. Call me when you get there and I will come down. Let me know if you are planning to come via
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drawing location

Hello everyone, Let me know if there is interest in drawing at my office this weekend. There are great views of downtown. One view from the conference room is especially great for a lot of overlapping planes. Not much in the way of green, but still good. We are on the fifth floor at 320 East Buffalo on the NW corner of Milwaukee and Buffalo. Entry is on Buffalo. The lobby is open, but I would have to let you in the elevator. I'm thinking from 11:00 ish to 2:00ish. Let me know via
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Inside spots

Hi all, any more suggestions for inside locations? The Domes is one, of course, and Mary and I both have memberships and together we can get 8 people in - woohoo! Mary is checking the water treatment plant. I'll check Hubbard Lodge. Maybe that community space under the Lake Park Bistro. Is there any inside options on Peter's island?
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Domes on October 7

Mary and I headed over to the Domes, since the weather seemed iffy. Everyone else had other things to do... It turned out to be a pretty nice day, but being in the Domes was no hardship. We tried out our new portable chairs and they rock (figuratively! Literally, they're quite stable and comfy). Here's some proof:

I finished off my first Domes Drawing Booklet. You can see the rest of the drawings on my website

Check your email for discussions on where we're going next!
Monday, September 21, 2009

W. Canal Street

Another great day for drawing.
My drawing of the WE Energies Power Plant.
Chris made a couple of drawings. The Milwaukee River Challenge was going on and there were lots of rowers on the canal (although there are none to be seen here!).

Chris also made this nice drawing.

My view.

Paula was sitting here...


Good place to park!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Next gathering...

We discussed meeting at Jones Island on the 19th at our last get together. I know that I won't be able to make it there until sometime between 11:15 and 11:45. Mary suggested adding Hubbard Park as another location on our list of potential sites. I would also like to suggest Canal Street. I've been riding my bike home along the Hank Aaron Trail lately and there's some pretty cool industrial buildings -- not to mention where the Interstate 94 crosses over Canal Street.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

Well it was a beautiful day -- not too hot -- not too cool. My drawing makes me laugh, so I guess it succeeded on some level. That thing in the middle is not a public sculpture of a cloud. It's a tree!
Chris was more successful:
And here we regrouped:
And then went to Alterra for some refreshments...
John and Paula are eating and not making faces.

Come one, come all . . .

Paula Schulze and John Bergmeier September 18 – October 30, 2009 Wisconsin Lutheran College Schlueter Gallery Center for Arts and Performance 8815 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee Opening Reception: Friday, September 18, 6-8 pm Artist Lecture: Friday, September 18, 3:30 pm I will be exhibiting mezzotints and drawings alongside monotypes and mixed media work by Michigan artist John Bergmeier. Gallery hours: Monday through Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 1-9 p.m.

First On Location Day

Chris, Mary, Paula, Christine and myself did some sketching on this fall like day. We found the Reservoir to be a great location and plan to come back. We discussed coming back on Labor Day. Same place and time. Here are some pictures from the day:

The view from the Reservoir
Facing west 
My view 
My sketch 
Hey there's Chris
and there's Christine-- 
and there's Paula-- 
Yep it's Paula! 

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