Saturday, September 12, 2009

Next gathering...

We discussed meeting at Jones Island on the 19th at our last get together. I know that I won't be able to make it there until sometime between 11:15 and 11:45. Mary suggested adding Hubbard Park as another location on our list of potential sites. I would also like to suggest Canal Street. I've been riding my bike home along the Hank Aaron Trail lately and there's some pretty cool industrial buildings -- not to mention where the Interstate 94 crosses over Canal Street.


  1. Does anyone know where we are meeting?

  2. I scouted Jones Island and Kaszube's Park this a.m. Everything seemed to be fenced off so getting close enugh to things would be a problem. The park is super tiny and again views from the park are through a fence. I suspect that access to Jones island is closed on the weekend by the giant gate on Carferry Drive. I and Paula will plan to be at Canal street around 11:15 tomorrow am. Ariana is there a landmark we can meet at? (We can discuss Jones Island potential more)

  3. Meeting today at 11:15 at 11th and Canal Street. See you there!
